Mudslinger Trail Run April 5th,2025


Mudslinger Trail Run

April 5th, 2025 Blodgett, OR. 

Join the Mudslinger fun on April 5th!


About the Event

Join us for the Mudslinger Trail Run Half Marathon on April 5th, part of the exciting Mudslinger Festival! This event takes you on a unique journey through the stunning trails of Blodgett, Oregon. 

The trail run departs two hours before the 38th annual Mudslinger XC Mountain Bike Race for your solo effort or depart at 8:30 am, giving you the chance to participate in both events as part of our ultimate Mudslinger competition!

Run and be a part of the Mudslinger Trail Run and bring a friend

The Details

Opportunity meets the Mud! 52 Degrees and a 50% chance of Rain!


Location/Packet Pickup

Blodgett, Oregon

Blodgett School

35177 Tum Tum RD

7am packet Pickup start Saturday


Early Registration

$70.00 Early

$75.00 After March 1st

Limited to 100 runners!



Start times 1/2 Marathon Only

8:30 AM Ultimate Mudslingers

9:00 AM All others

Blodgett School


Awards Individual Mudslinger Trail Run

U19, 20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70+ Men and Women

Custom Mudslinger Trail Run Coffee Mugs.

What is the Ultimate Mudslinger?


  • Participants can choose to compete individually or as part of a relay team.
  • The competition combines the Mudslinger Trail Run and the Mudslinger XC Race (cross-country mountain biking), offering a thrilling test of both running and biking abilities.

Start Times

  • Individual Participants (doing both the trail run and XC race):
  • Start the Mudslinger Trail Run at 8:30 AM.
  • Start of the Mudslinger MTB Race 11:15am
  • Relay Teams (runners and mountain bikers):
  • Runners start at 8:45 AM, with the goal of finishing fast to set the tone their mountain biking teammate for the lowest cumulative time.

Categories Ultimate Mudslinger

Participants are divided into the following categories for scoring taking your individual result of both events for SOLO or DUO with a MTB friend.

  1. SOLO Men (49 and under)
  2. SOLO Women(49 and under
  3. SOLO Men (50 and over)
  4. SOLO Women (50 and over)
  5. Duo Men (49 and under)
  6. Duo Women (49 and under)
  7. Duo Coed (49 and under)
  8. Duo Men (50 and over)
  9. Duo Women (50 and over)
  10. Duo Coed (50 and over)

Scoring and Awards

  • Individual Efforts: Competitors who complete both the Mudslinger Trail Run and the Mudslinger XC Race will be scored for the Overall Ultimate Mudslinger in Under 49 and 50 and over based on day of race age.
  • Relay Teams: The combined time of the runner and biker determines the team's time. The lowest cumulative time wins.
  • This format allows individuals to push their limits in both disciplines, while relay teams can focus on their strengths.

Unique Highlights

  • This event celebrates endurance, skill, and versatility, with participants tested in two distinct but complementary sports. The Mudslinger Xc is celebrating 38 years and this is a new challenge for the spring season.
  • Competing in both the trail run and XC race offers a shot at the prestigious "Ultimate Mudslinger Trophy" recognition for solo participants and




Oregon Trail Runs Events

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