COVID-19 Info

A row of white lines on a black background.

Covid 19 precautions

The following guide is relevant to 2020 and 2021 events. Please go to the CDC for the latest info.

Covid-19 General Precautions

Mitigation 2020/2021

Please note that anyone not wishing to partake in these mitigated events is under no expectation to do so even if signed up previously. Like all events, you are under no obligation to participate. We have a No Refund policy but have a liberal transfer policy to another event for your use only in the current year if you notify us at least 10 days before any event you are signed up for. 



  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol)  
  • Avoid close contact with others (maintain 6’ social distancing)  
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others  
  • Cover coughs and sneezes  
  • Clean and disinfect everything.  
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.  
  • Bring all necessary liquids and foods to be able to provide for yourself. 
  • Please utilize our drop bag location for your supplies at each event if offered. We will deliver and bring this bag back after the event to be sanitized. Extra gloves, food, whatever as long as it is a hard shell small cooler or zip lock baggie. 
  • Always have a face covering on while in the venue or riding around, not on course for interactions closer than 6ft.
  • Be self-sufficient with hydration packs, tools, and a face covering for any time in the venue area or stagging with social distancing.
  • No High Fives, Hugs, or fist bump. A thumbs-up will do just fine!
  • When finishing, keep rolling after a brief water refill from our single-serve water.
  • Please remember that anytime behind a rider or runner, to have a buff/mask available for your own personal use as you see fit and when safe to pull up. The leading rider/runner is to yield when safe to do so. 
  • Please be aware that other recreational will be on the route with you that are not part of the event. 

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